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Kevin Cripe

Born Winona Lake Indiana January 4th 1963

Teacher in Modesto City Schools for 23 years

Three children Jose 26, Kevin 21 and Alejandra 19



 facebook: Chess for Children Costa Rica


 Author: Ajedrez Para Genios

As a teacher I spent a great deal of time watching students learn how to process chess information. My students had 0 exposure to chess and then had high mobility so each year was trying to build new approaches from the year before. My students, demographically speaking, were 98% free and reduced lunch and 80% English Language Learner. The first year I took students to a National Championship a teacher told “Don’t do this you will only embarrass these children.” We went anyway and through the years I watched as student after student became a first generation college graduate

Life’s goal at this point: Trying to create a chess program in Costa Rica for children in extreme poverty. There is a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children here but I will need support in doing so. The am working with 2 non-profits , CEPIA and Casa Brasilito, and they both do tremendous work within the communities they serve. If given the chance to be here permanently I think there are students who will be able to compete internationally at Pan American Tournaments and to be able to use their chess skill to be become first generation college graduates. Please support my cause by buying a copy of the book or donating directly through the website.




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